Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Social Media Strategy 140

Social Media Strategy 140 

Being a fan of Twitter and a social media professional by trade, I decided to hand myself a bit of a challenge.

Could I condense an entire social media strategy to fit into 140 characters?

After many, many (did I mention many?) revisions, here is what I came up with:

Put content on website. Use SM to engage. Rules up front. Fess up if you mess up. Be consistent. Add value. Monitor. Correct. Butt out.

Is it the be all and end all? No. It is mostly a representation of my philosophy towards social media.

Think you can do better? Consider the gauntlet thrown! The challenge passes to you. Make up your own social media strategy in 140 characters or less and post it here.

We'll see whose SM cuisine reigns supreme!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How NOT to manage a Facebook Fanpage - courtesy of Nestle

Facebook (and general Web 2.0) etiquette lessons courtesy of Nestle

Ok, so this is my take on the Nestle Facebook debacle. If you have spent any time on the internet over the past two weeks, you must be aware of the flame war that erupted on the Nestle Facebook Fan page when a spokesperson for Nestle asked fans to not make modified copies of their logo.

It should be mentioned in all fairness that there is an ongoing battle between Nestle and Greenpeace over Nestle’s supposed use of palm oil in its products, so Nestle might have been a bit on the defensive to start with.

But, instead of using their Facebook fan page to explain their point of view to their fans, they went on the defensive and “bit the hand that fans” so to speak.

Looking back, here is what they should have known before even creating a fan page.

1- Don’t throw oil on the fire!

Telling people NOT to do something on the Web is the surest way to get a quadruple serving of it. As an example, altered logos (and not flattering ones) started appearing almost immediately after the initial post.

I remember some years back when a story broke that Verizon had registered alternate domain names in an attempt to prevent malicious registration of domain names with their name in them. In short, they registered domain names such as, you get the idea. So what do you think happened when word got out? It became a sport on the net to register alternate versions of that, such as verizonreallysucks, verizonsucksthebigone, etc.

Sometimes, it is best just to leave well enough alone. Case in point, this page that was created: Your Nestle comments won't get deleted here

2- Know how to recognize a compliment when it is paid to you!

Posting on a company’s Facebook wall with an altered logo (unless the intent is obviously malicious) is usually done as a tribute to a company you admire. Have you never heard the bit about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery? So not only should it not be discouraged, it should be encouraged.

If the Nestle rep had come out and said "hey there are some really creative variations on our logo here, why don't we have a contest to see who can make the best one. Which ever logo gets the most fan votes by x date will win a year's supply of our products.

Then, not only would Nestle have gotten tremendous positive buzz from all this, they would have gotten free logos for future brands. Now that would have been true customer engagement!

3- No, it’s not your page!

If we want to get really technical, its Facebook’s page. You get to put your image and some content on it but that doesn't make it yours.

But more to the point, it is called a “Fan Page”. It is a page for your fans! A page where they can extol, or question, your products and practices, and where you are afforded a rare privilege: that of being able to interact directly with your clients without the filter of traditional media.

As was pointed out during the conversation, Nestle missed a great opportunity here to make good points about the efforts they are making to “greene” their enterprise. Instead, they took the "It's our page, we make the rules, if you don't like it take a hike" approach. Someone will have to explain to me how that can possibly benefit a company one iota.

4- A sin confessed is half forgiven

Admit when you make a mistake and do it sooner rather than later. A defensive attitude never leads to a constructive discussion. Adopting a condescending, pretentious, or arrogant attitude will only lead to the same in response. The fact is, on more than one occasion during the thread, fans cracked open a door, an opportunity for Nestle to back peddle and make amends but those olive branches were never grasped at and the fire continued to flare out of control. By the time Nestle did apologise, 154 comments later, but it was too little too late.

5- All publicity is not good!

Some people are saying that the rude and unprofessional responses had to be fake – a ploy to stir up controversy, get the net talking about their brand and gain fans.

Did they gain fans? Perhaps, but let me make something crystal clear:

Facebook Fans DO NOT equal Clients

Almost anyone can create a fan page on Facebook and get tons of fans. (Don't believe me, read this bit from Mashable Onion Ring More Popular Than Justin Bieber in Latest Facebook Meme )
Time will tell what effect this will have on Nestle Sales and stock. But I wouldn’t want to be one of their stock owners right now!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years Resolutions - go big or go home

Have you made any New Year's resolutions? Whether you have or not, chances are you fall into one of these two groups:the Easy Goers (EG) or the Nay Sayers (NS)

The EGs say you should make resolutions that are easy to keep and readily attainable. And don't make too many of those either. Something along the lines of "I will limit myself to 3 restaurant meals a week instead of four", or "I will reduce my smoking by one pack per month" That way, you can be pleased with yourself when the new new year comes along and you have kept your resolutions from last year.

The NSs go around proclaiming loudly that they are not making any resolutions this year. That way there are none to break. (Although technically, that is a resolution in itself and some people can't even keep that one!)

I am here to usher in a new school of thought - the GBGH school of new year's resolutions. Our philisofy regarding resolutions is simple: Go Big or Go Home! And I don't mean big as in "I'll stop smoking" big. I mean "I'll cure cancer" big!

Ow! I was just hit by a blast of air from a thousand eyebrows going up simultaneously in a "Are you f*ing serious" motion (note: f*ing is short ;). Well yes, I am very serious. Here's why:

Because getting involved in something so much bigger than you makes every other little problem look small in comparison.

One of my favourite quotes is from Napoleon: "Small plans do not inflame the hearts of men."

Like many other historical leaders, good and bad, Napoleon understood that in order to for people to stick with the plan, it had to be something grandiose that they could feel a part of; something that would inflame their passion.

So, go ahead, think big, and pick something that has meaning to you. Say for example that you know someone close to you who is batteling cancer. Make a resolution to help beat cancer this year. Try to find ways that you can help make this happen. In this case, it could be something like:

  • Donating money for cancer research
  • Participating in a local march against cancer or a funding drive
  • Better yet, organizing a car wash with local students to raise money for a local cancer unit

And if, like me, you are more "computer oriented" than most (i.e. spend most waking hours in front of a computer) than you can still do a lot:

  • Make it a point to post cancer related news article on your Facebook profile or Twitter account
  • Look for people involved in cancer research/treatment and try to put them into contact with each other
  • Join cancer related Facebook groups or create one of your own.

So, will this cure cancer this year? Probably not. But what if your actions inspire someone and it leads them to a possible cure? Or what if you bring to researchers together whose work complements each other in a way that does lead to a treatment? In the final analysis, when a cure is found for this terrible disease, you will have been part of the solution, and that is something worth making a resolution over.

I will leave you with two quotes to help inspire you (just don't forget me when you help cure cancer or whatever). I suggest you print them out and keep them in plain sight.

- "The ones we call crazy for trying to change the world are the ones that do." - anonymous

- “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Gandhi